Abstract submission form Please fill out the form below to submit your abstract to the ISWA 2025 World Congress & Exhibition “Re-imagine waste”, to be held from October 27 to 29, 2025, at the Buenos Aires Convention Center (CEC), City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. "*" indicates required fields Title*Title up to 200 characters with spaces included, in English language, written Sentence type (only capitalize the first letter and those corresponding to proper names) and without abbreviations.Presenting Author*List the last name and the initials of the first and middle names, referencing the affiliation. For example: Gómez, E.G. (1)Email* All notifications will be send to the email address of the presenting author.Co-authors* Add RemoveCo-authors can be added by clicking on the “+” button. List the last name and the initials of the first and middle names, referencing the affiliation. For example: García, S. (1,2).Affiliations* Add RemoveAffiliations can be added by clicking on the “+” button. List affiliations with: reference number in parentheses, institution/department, city/state, country. For example: (1) Instituto de Residuos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2) Instituto de Reciclado, Lima, Perú.Topics*The Congress aims to promote and disseminate knowledge on advancing waste management practices and supporting the transition to a Circular Economy, aligned with ISWA’s mission. Please select the main topic of your abstract from the list below: Biological Waste Treatment Climate Change & Waste Management Governance and Legal Issues Textile Waste Management Closure and Upgrading of Open Dumps Landfills Recycling & Waste Minimization Communication and Social Issues Collection and Transport Technology Energy Recovery Healthcare Waste Hazardous Waste Management Subtopic* Composting Anaerobic Digestion Innovative Biological Treatments Other Relevant Topics Subtopic* GHG Emissions Black Carbon Emissions Other Relevant Topics Subtopic* Extended Producer Responsibility Financing Solid Waste Management Intermunicipal Cooperation International Treaties Subtopic* Environmental Education Other Relevant Topics Subtopic* Material Recovery Technologies Construction & Demolition Waste Emerging Wastes (e.g., recycling of wind turbines, solar panels, lithium batteries) Other Relevant Topics Preferred presentation type* Oral Poster A limited number of papers will be selected for oral presentation.Consent*By submitting an abstract, the author(s) agree(s) that the content of the abstract and the full paper, if accepted, will be published in the Congress Proceedings (ISBN classification), in all digital media of the ISWA Congress, in the ISWA Knowledge Base and in the special edition of the Waste Management & Research Journal (only the best applied papers may be published in this special edition). Yes, I agree Abstract*Abstract in English language, up to 3000 characters including spaces. When copying text, do Paste Plain (without format). If you cannot write special characters/symbols in your Abstract, please indicate in the text: "See attached abstract", and upload the file at the bottom of the form. Keywords*Each keyword separated by commas and a space (for example: waste, recycling, environment)Attach your Abstract (Optional)Accepted file types: doc, docx, , Max. file size: 2 MB. Δ